#545: Study sample and DM sample definition for next-d
 Reporter:  dconnolly     |       Owner:  meiliu
     Type:  task          |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  next-d
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                |  Blocked By:  546, 551, 557, 571
 Blocking:  598           |

Comment (by meiliu):

 Short notice data request for GPC sites to extract data on a subset of
 Table 1 without the 'DM onset date' column and return the results to
 Northwestern by 9/5.

 Brennan has successfully run the code for Table 1 before. Since then,
 Alona has added in a few more pregnancy code exclusions (updates to the
 code below), but for the most part nothing has changed.

 Pregnancy Exclusion Code Updates:

 From Diagnosis table :
 (DX like '63[0-9]._%' or DX like '6[4-7][0-9]._%' or DX like 'V2[2-3]%' or
 DX like 'V28%') and DX_TYPE = '09') or
 ((DX like 'O%' or DX like 'A34%' or DX like 'Z3[3-4]%' or DX like 'Z36%')
 and DX_TYPE = '10')

 From Procedures table:
 PX like '7[2-5]._%' and PX_TYPE = '09') or (PX like '1%' and PX_TYPE =
 '10') or (PX like '59[0-9][0-9][0-9]' and PX_TYPE='CH')

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