#691: Patient Preferred Spoken Language
 Reporter:  lv             |       Owner:  lv
     Type:  problem        |      Status:  new
 Priority:  minor          |   Milestone:  pcornet-cdm-4
Component:  data-stds      |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  language, cdm  |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                 |

Comment (by campbell):

 Expansion on Jim's comment: LOINC:54899-0 is the Observable code (the
 question) that we use for recording a CONCEPT_CD in an associated
 OBSERVATION_FACT.  With the implementation of CDMV4 at UNMC, we will
 switching our valueset (answer) in SNOW SHRINE for the language spoken by
 the patient to ISO 639-2 from the older version that Epic had deployed.  I
 have the code in place but we have not tested yet.
 Jim Campbell

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