#711: External Validation for Acute Kidney Injury(AKI) Predictive Models using
PCORnet CDM data
 Reporter:  meiliu        |       Owner:  xsong
     Type:  task          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:
Component:  data-sharing  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  aki cdm       |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                |

Comment (by xsong):

 Oops,I forgot that #AKI_onset was only a temporary table on sql server,
 which should be recreated every time we need to call it. However, I think
 we could confirm that the issue is caused by the low counts of records for
 the med table.

 May I know if that can possibly be caused by RXNORM_CUI not being well
 populated (since we are only collecting med with `RXNORM_CUI is not

 Replying to [comment:24 lv]:
 > From Steffani (and I'm hoping a Trac account can be created for her):
 > Collect_med.sql creates 54 records when I run just the SQL, but I’m
 returning this error when running the test code:
 > Error during wrapup: Unable to retrieve JDBC result set for  select
 distinct        pat.PATID       ,pat.ENCOUNTERID       ,convert(datetime,
 convert(CHAR(8), p.RX_ORDER_DATE, 112)+ ' ' + CONVERT(CHAR(8),
 p.RX_ORDER_TIME, 108)                ) RX_ORDER_DATE_TIME
 ,p.RX_START_DATE       ,case when pat.DISCHARGE_DATE < p.RX_END_DATE THEN
 pat.DISCHARGE_DATE              else p.RX_END_DATE         end as
 RX_END_DATE       ,p.RX_BASIS       ,p.RXNORM_CUI
 /*,regexp_substr(p.RAW_RX_MED_NAME,'[^\[]+',1,1) RX_MED_NAME */
 ,p.RX_QUANTITY       /*,p.RX_QUANTITY_UNIT */       ,p.RX_REFILLS
 ,p.RX_DAYS_SUPPLY       ,p.RX_FREQUENCY       ,case when p.RX_DAYS_SUPPLY
 is not null and p.RX_DAYS_SUPPLY is not null then
 round(p.RX_QUANTITY/p.RX_DAYS_SUPPLY,0)              else null        end
 as RX_QUANTITY_DAILY       ,datediff(dd,pat.ADMIT_DATE,p.RX_START_DATE)
 DAYS_SINCE_ADMIT from #AKI_onsets pat join [PopMedNet].[dbo].PRESCRIBING p
 on pat.ENCOUNTERID = p.ENCOUNTERID where p.RXNORM_CUI is not null and
 p.RX_START_DATE is not null and       p.RX_ORDER_DATE is not null and
 p.RX_ORDER_TIME is not null and       p.RX_ORDER_DATE between
 dateadd(day,-30,pat.ADMIT_DATE) and
 (Invalid object name '#AKI_onsets'.)

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