#411: Align SNOW SHRINE terminology with ACT ontology for interoperation of 
 Reporter:  Dan Connolly  |       Owner:  Jim Campbell
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  snow-shrine-3
Component:  data-stds     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  ModelMashup   |  Blocked By:  23, 90, 201, 243, 280, 525, 583
 Blocking:                |   Sensitive:  1
Changes (by Dan Connolly):

 * cc: lpatel@… (added)
 * sensitive:   => 1


 Jim, I'm struggling to find the i2b2 metadata for medications in the
 Nebraska Lexicon.

 I downloaded `Publication_Files_20190816.zip` via ​https://www.unmc.edu
 /pathology-research/bioinformatics/campbell/tdc.html ; I don't see any
 i2b2 metadata in there.

 The cover page says that zip file includes release notes, but I don't see
 them in there. So I downloaded
 `Nebraska_Lexicon_Release_Notes_20190817.pdf`; neither "i2b2" nor "SHRINE"
 occurs in there.

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