#411: Align SNOW SHRINE terminology with ACT ontology for interoperation of 
 Reporter:  Dan Connolly  |       Owner:  Jim Campbell
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  snow-shrine-3
Component:  data-stds     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  ModelMashup   |  Blocked By:  23, 90, 201, 243, 280, 525, 583
 Blocking:                |   Sensitive:  1

Comment (by Dan Connolly):

 Replying to [comment:39 Dan Connolly]:
 > ...
 >   Nebraska is Working on it [covid19 SHRINE] internally, not as part of
 ACT network yet; doing harmonization work with them to align ontologies.
 Work group meeting third Thursday of every month.

 Dr. Campbell, would you care to summarize progress since our Apr 28

 Also, is the [https://dbmi-pitt.github.io/ACT-
 Network/data_harmonization.html Data Harmonization Workgroup] the relevant

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gpc-informatics <https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project>
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