Hello all,

I'm probably as newbie as they come so bare with me if I'm missing the 

Simply put:  My end goal is to have a boot iso that will grab a pxeboot menu 
from the network.
I already have a tftp/http server serving up the standard pxe menu via 

The iso will need to allow a user to input ip information. (dhcp is not allowed 
on our networks)
Then use that to retrieve the pxe menu.

I have ready through the docs, mail archives, how-tos, and general google 
Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology in my searches.

I have tried generating iso's from the rom-o-matic site (checked all boxes) 
with an embedded script to no avail.
My embedded scripts looked similar to this with minor alterations trying 
different combinations...

ifopen net0
set net0/ip
set net0/netmask
set net0/gateway
chain http://myserver/boot/pxelinux.0

Hopefully this is an easy task and I'm just missing something.
Thanks for making it through all that and for any help you guys can provide 
this newbie.   :)


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