On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 18:24,  <josh.mul...@cox.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I’m probably as newbie as they come so bare with me if I’m missing the
> obvious…
> Simply put:  My end goal is to have a boot iso that will grab a pxeboot menu
> from the network.
> I already have a tftp/http server serving up the standard pxe menu via
> “/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default”.
> The iso will need to allow a user to input ip information. (dhcp is not
> allowed on our networks)
> Then use that to retrieve the pxe menu.
> I have ready through the docs, mail archives, how-tos, and general google
> searches.
> Maybe I’m using the wrong terminology in my searches.
> I have tried generating iso’s from the rom-o-matic site (checked all boxes)
> with an embedded script to no avail.
> My embedded scripts looked similar to this with minor alterations trying
> different combinations…
> =================================
> #!gpxe
> ifopen net0
> set net0/ip
> set net0/netmask
> set net0/gateway
> chain http://myserver/boot/pxelinux.0
> boot
> =================================
> Hopefully this is an easy task and I’m just missing something.
> Thanks for making it through all that and for any help you guys can provide
> this newbie.   :)

Your issue is configuring gPXE to provide sufficient information to
PXELINUX.  The error was probably "Unable to locate configuration
file" with the second IP address as "".  You'll need to set
DHCP options 209 and 210 if you wish to avoid TFTP completely.  Those
are the search keys you're missing.

If you want to have PXELINUX load the configs via TFTP and go the more
classical PXE route, you'll need to set next-server and filename
(either as-is or scoped under net0/ ) but HTTP is definitely more
reliable and most of the time faster.

There's also a config command that shows a nice TUI (as opposed to the
CLI).  'config net0' would probably be your best choice.

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