On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 7:49 PM, J C <c7...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm using an RTL8185L desktop wireless PCI card (lspci says: rev 20),
> 10ec:8185. I used a rom-o-matic ISO, selected rtl8185, and placed this
> script in the "Embedded Script" field at the bottom:
> #!gpxe
> set net0/ssid MYAP
> set net0/key MYPSWORD
> autoboot
> I tried many rom-o-matic combos, some with all drivers, some with no
> embedded script, but this seems to work the best. IWLIST shows my AP. IWSTAT
> shows my AP and connection quality. In IRC I did this:
> <me1user> gpxebot: lspci 10ec:8185
> <gpxebot> rtl8185
> I also used the command line (ctrl-B) and typed:
> set net0/ssid MYAP
> set net0/key MYPSWORD
> dhcp net0
> autoboot
> However, I keep getting the below text with the cmd line and the ISO files.
> B and C always show up and A only shows up sometimes and I don't recall the
> order used when it doesn't show:
> A) Link status: The socket is not connected (0x38086001)
> B) No filename or root path specified
> C) No more network devices
> The other thing I should note is that I'm booting via PXE using a wireless
> router in client bridge mode (makes my 8139 NIC 'seem' like a wifi card) - I
> haven't yet tried it with a CD:
> label gPXE8185
>  menu label gPXE8185
>  kernel boot/gpxe8185/RTL8185.KRN
>  append initrd=boot/gpxe8185/ISOLINUX.BIN
> Any ideas on a solution? Do I need try a different card? I bought 2 for
> this purpose so far. Thanks, --c7aff
> (I have another RTL8185L that says rev B1 on the card but it said 'Not
> Supported' when I tried it in gPXE command line)

Hi JC,

I'm the original author of the rtl8185 driver, but this doesn't sound like a
driver-specific problem. Specifically, "No filename or root path specified"
usually indicates that the DHCP server responded but didn't specify a
filename to boot, and "No more network devices" just means a boot has been
attempted off of every supported network card in the system. "The socket is
not connected" message is normal on wireless before the interface is opened
(which occurs when you type "ifopen netX" or automatically when you try to
perform DHCP).

Note that the rtl8139 card in your machine is also supported, so you should
be sure you're using the correct network interface for the wireless if
you're using an all-drivers build. (The ordering will depend on which card
has the lower PCI device number in your system, but it should be consistent
between boots.)

It's very difficult to diagnose exactly what's going on when you're giving
such vague impressions of the output. Could you please run the following
commands and transcribe or take a screenshot (using e.g. a digital camera)
of the results?

[note which network device is listed, and replace "netX" with it in the
set netX/ssid yournetworkname
set netX/key yourpassword
dhcp netX


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