hi, I made a prototype of a wysiwyg portlet on top of jcr that allows to version the content. It's just a prototype of what I consider a portlet "content" mode should have, e.g. versioning, locking, tagging, audit, event notification, metadata. e.g. dublin core, i18n a portlet root per locale, publishing (staging) & other workflow processes.
The versioning GUI is available in edit mode as a menu that invoke remote dialogs powered by dojo javascipt toolkit. The portlet allows the user to edit the html, make the html versionable, checkin, checkout and restore a version. I didn't configure the webdav servlet, but it should be pretty easy. In the prototype a content portlet (i.e. wysiwyg portlet) must inherit a superclass that creates the portlet root node and adds a menu in edit mode. btw, is there any extension mechanism to add new portlet modes in jetspeed? download from: http://people.apache.org/~edgarpoce/graffito-jcr-portlets-1.0.war http://people.apache.org/~edgarpoce/graffito-jcr-portlets.tar.gz the war is self contained, just drop it in j2 and it should work. it creates a jackrabbit repository at /tmp/jackrabbit. It was tested in ubuntu, firefox, java5, jetspeed 2.0 installer with derby embedded. br, edgar