On 9/5/06, Edgar Poce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/5/06, Christophe Lombart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If Graffito provides a support for managing JCR nodes and an High
> level content object model (which can be customized), how can we
> define some services like Workflow, publishing, ... ? In theory,
> thoses services needs to implement some process based on content
> objects.
> I think it will not be possible to support both approach. What do you
> think about that ?

Maybe there can be an integration if
1. the workflow is serialized in the repository,
2. the semantics of its node types is publicly known (e.g. scxml)
3. and the repository garantees, by securing the content, that the
process will be respected,

* What if a workflow process required multiple repositories ? In you
case, you will certainly use only one content repo but the worfklow
service have to work with multpiple content repo (JCR based or not).
* What if we are not using a JCR store ?
* When you are moving into a specific workflow state, you may run some
code to manage the content (move a content, delete, update, ...). How
to do it (with the JCR API or the Graffito API ?

great!. btw, It's probably a good example for trying to integrate both

the approach is quite different. We are using the Graffito API.
Best regards,


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