
Does this mean that there wont be any portal CMS? Does Jackrabbit include any JSR168 CMS portlet that can be used with Jetspeed2?


Jukka Zitting wrote:

[Cc:ing [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the sponsoring PMC of Graffito, please
follow up on graffito-dev]

The time for a Graffito report is again coming up. My thoughts on the
current status:

* JCR Mapping: I unfortunately haven't had as much time as I would
have wanted to push for a release of the JCR Mapping component, but
there's still been activity thanks to Christophe, Felix, and Ruchi. I
still think there's enough activity and interest to move the component
into a Jackrabbit subproject.

* Graffito: The rest of the Graffito project has seen no activity
since the status discussions two months ago.

Based on this I'd be ready to recommend terminating the Graffito
project as dormant once the JCR Mapping component has been moved to



Jukka Zitting

Evangelos Vlachogiannis
Researcher - PhD. Candidate
Contact: http://www.syros.aegean.gr/users/evlach/contactme.php

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