On Apr 11, 2007, at 1:50 PM, LOGAN Charles wrote:


I'm just a "lurker" at this point on this list and new to Graffito and
Jetspeed (and Java in general), but like what I've seen and have been
working through my learning curve to become a Java, web developer.

I've seen the Jahia project and was hoping that Graffito would become
the free substitute/companion to Jetspeed.  I'm "free-time" developing
sites for charity and non-profit orgs leaving Jahia w/ cost involved for

Since it appears that this project will be put on ice, if anyone could
point me to another similar project that would be free to both charity
and non-profit orgs, I would greatly appreciate it.

Wish you all well on your future endeavors.

Charlie Logan

PS David & Jetspeed team, nice work on Jetspeed 2.1.  Thanks.  Wish I
knew enough to contribute.

Thanks, good to hear.
We will have another bug fix release coming out in a month or so (2.1.1) Where as Graffito is going away, we will still build content support into the Jetspeed 2.2 site and page components

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