Hi all, 
I'm using graph-tool a lot and I usually perform multiple random 
initializations only to choose, in the end, the solution with lowest entropy. 
As each init is a separate and independent process, I was thinking to use 
joblib to parallelize the process. However I noticed something weird. Here we 

>>> from joblib import delayed, Parallel
>>> import graph_tool.all as gt

# choose a graph
>>> g = gt.collection.data['football']

# set some variables, as the number of inits
>>> n_init = 3
>>> fast_tol = 1e-3
>>> beta = 1000
>>> n_sweep = 10

# define a function for sweep, this is essentially what is found in official 
>>> def fast_min(state, beta, n_sweep, fast_tol):
>>>     dS = 1
>>>     while np.abs(dS) > fast_tol:
>>>         dS, _, _ = state.multiflip_mcmc_sweep(beta=beta, niter=n_sweep)
>>>     return state

# test with standard python list comprehension, this works
>>> pstates = [gt.PPBlockState(g) for x in range(n_init)]
>>> pstates = [fast_min(state, beta, n_sweep, fast_tol) for state in pstates]
>>> selected = pstates[np.argmin([x.entropy() for x in pstates])]
>>> print(gt.modularity(g, selected.get_blocks()))

# test with 'threading' backend in joblib
>>> pstates = [gt.PPBlockState(g) for x in range(n_init)]
>>> pstates = Parallel(n_jobs=3, prefer='threads')(delayed(fast_min)(state, 
>>> beta, n_sweep, fast_tol) for state in pstates)
>>> selected = pstates[np.argmin([x.entropy() for x in pstates])]
>>> print(gt.modularity(g, selected.get_blocks()))

# test with default backend in joblib
>>> pstates = [gt.PPBlockState(g) for x in range(n_init)]
>>> pstates = Parallel(n_jobs=3)(delayed(fast_min)(state, beta, n_sweep, 
>>> fast_tol) for state in pstates)
>>> selected = pstates[np.argmin([x.entropy() for x in pstates])]
>>> print(gt.modularity(g, selected.get_blocks()))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-733a38606e1a> in <module>
      4 selected = pstates[np.argmin([x.entropy() for x in pstates])]
----> 5 print(gt.modularity(g, selected.get_blocks()))

 in modularity(g, b, gamma, weight)
     84     Q = libinference.modularity(g._Graph__graph, gamma,
     85                                 _prop("e", g, weight),
---> 86                                 _prop("v", g, b))
     87     return Q

 in _prop(t, g, prop)
    177         raise ValueError("Received orphaned property map")
    178     if g.base is not u.base:
--> 179         raise ValueError("Received property map for graph %s (base: 
%s), expected: %s (base: %s)" %
    180                          (str(g), str(g.base), str(u), str(u.base)))
    181     return pmap._get_any()

ValueError: Received property map for graph <Graph object, undirected, with 115 
vertices and 613 edges, 4 internal vertex properties, 2 internal graph 
properties, at 0x7fd7032982e0> (base: <Graph object, undirected, with 115 
vertices and 613 edges, 4 internal vertex properties, 2 internal graph 
properties, at 0x7fd7032982e0>), expected: <GraphView object, undirected, with 
115 vertices and 613 edges, 4 internal vertex properties, 2 internal graph 
properties, at 0x7fd707c650d0> (base: <Graph object, undirected, with 115 
vertices and 613 edges, 4 internal vertex properties, 2 internal graph 
properties, at 0x7fd7067e3700>)

I cannot figure out why I get this error, as the g.base and selected.g.state 
are the same.  I understand this is not directly a graph-tool issue, rather a 
joblib one, still I'd like to understand why I'm getting this error


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