Am 01.04.21 um 14:31 schrieb Davide Cittaro:
# test with default backend in joblib
pstates = [gt.PPBlockState(g) for x in range(n_init)]
pstates = Parallel(n_jobs=3)(delayed(fast_min)(state, beta, n_sweep, fast_tol) 
for state in pstates)
selected = pstates[np.argmin([x.entropy() for x in pstates])]
print(gt.modularity(g, selected.get_blocks()))

My guess here is that joblib is using pickle in the background, which ended up copying the whole states and their graphs, making the property maps incompatible. Try changing the last line to:

   print(gt.modularity(selected.g, selected.get_blocks()))

Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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