
I'm having problems getting a MASK to actually mask anything.

$ r.mask in=Diff_Nov2007_Oct2007_1m
MASK created. All subsequent raster operations
will be limited to MASK area
Removing or renaming raster file named MASK will
restore raster operations to normal
[Raster MASK present]

Yet all refreshes of the gis.m map display window do not clip the display 
based on the new mask(see attached png). In the screenshot, the mask is the 
pink raster,
and underneath it is another raster in my mapset. Shouldn't the underlying 
raster's display
be clipped to that of the mask?

Using r.mapcalc while the mask exists also doesn't seem to obey the extents of 
the mask, i.e.:

r.mapcalc test = 'Diff_Oct2007_Mar2007_1m'

This creates the raster 'test' with data extents that match 
Diff_Oct2007_Mar2007_1m, not the mask's

I'm using svn-trunk compiled from today's source.

~ Eric.

<<attachment: Mask.png>>

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