>The way I understand it is that a MASK will affect all subsequent  
>*read* operations for processing a raster map. That is...
>r.mapcalc 'newmap=oldmap'
>...will just produce an unaltered copy of oldmap without a MASK; with  
>a MASK it will produce a copy of oldmap only in the area of MASK.
>MASK will not affect the display. It is for map processing.


It seems that the current mask does affect the display, though. I've placed 
screenshots on ftp://gsca.nrcan.gc.ca/outgoing/Patton. The 'Before' image is the
full extent of my input raster; I zoomed into a small region in the display,
set the region to that of the display extent, and created a mask using 
r.mapcalc !isnull(MAP).
I then zoomed back to my original display extent, set the region back to that of
the display, and redrew the display, the output of which is the 'After' image. 

The display is being clipped by the current mask.

~ Eric.

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