On Tue, 20 May 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

there's a thing that I never understood: why Locking is not supported on 

1) what is exactly locking? I tried to find it on the programmer's manual, but 
without success

2) I noticed that, when opening a location/mapset, GRASS doesn't create the 
.gislock file, as done on linux; without the .gislock file it's impossibel to 
change the working environment (that is the mapset...) by the g.mapset module

Hello Marco,

If you start GRASS using grass63.bat (not grass63.sh), yes, you are correct that that won't work. I deliberately left it out of init.bat at the time I wrote it as it would have been a lot of extra work to implement it and it wasn't needed to get basic GRASS functionality working on Windows without the requirement for a Unix shell (which was my goal at the time). You can simply exit and restart GRASS if you want to change the mapset or location.

I suppose you could consider this as another example of the type of thing that will need to be fixed if WinGRASS is to move from alpha to beta-quality software.

3) Could you please show me the related chapter/section in the programmer's 
manual where I can find information about it?

I believe the facility to change mapset or location without exiting and restarting GRASS (and hence also this .gislock system) was added by Radim Blazek some time during the development of version 5.7 (which eventually became 6.0). So you might try searching for some old mailing list posts by him which might document it better. I'd risk a bet that it isn't documented in the programmers' manual, though it would be nice to be proved wrong ;)

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