thanks to all for the exhaustive replies.
>Are you sure? AFAICT, etc/lock should always succeed on Windows, i.e.
>it won't stop you from having two sessions with the same current
>mapset. You will get a warning, but the mapset should still be
sorry but not. I tried to find out why here 
 but I still don't know many things in GRASS code to understand it well (and my 
C is very very rusty). I just found that at lines 155-156 a conditional calls 
G_fatal_error if the GIS_LOCK env var is not set (var retrieved at line 154).
>If g.mapset doesn't work, you can always change the GISDBASE,
>LOCATION_NAME and MAPSET variables directly with g.gisenv.
Yes, it doesn't produce errors, but it doesn't change the location/mapset!
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