
let me suggest to create the GRASS 6.4.0 release branch the next
days to get started with stability tests. The last release is long time
ago and more and more efforts go into GRASS 7 (which is good).
Time to get 6.4.0 out of the doors, say, to bring it to our users.

While I am not keen on *heavy* backporting, we will certainly
maintain the branch (as we still do at low level for 6.3.x).

Is there any blocker (!) which prevents us from creating the
6.4.0 release branch?

Looking at the roadmap in trac, I see
GRASS 6.3.1: 3 bugs left open

GRASS 6.4.0: many bugs left open

Please check the 6.4.0 bug list for showstoppers which block
the creation of the release branch (think massive backporting).

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