Hello all.
Could we have some bug sorting party this weekend? I (hopefully) will
have free time this weekend to recompile devbranch6 and take a look at
current bug list. It would be good to at least re-tag some of bugs
which must be fixed before 6.4.0 goes out and which ones can wait till
GRASS 7 goes mainstream. I have not tested devbranch6 for some time
but IIRC there where some regressions comparing to 6.2/6.3 (in NVIZ).

Just my 0.002,

2008/10/22 Markus Neteler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 3:20 AM, Helena Mitasova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Oct 21, 2008, at 7:39 PM, Hamish wrote:
>>> Markus wrote:
>>>>> let me suggest to create the GRASS 6.4.0 release branch the next
>>>>> days
>>> I think Paul is right, create 6.4.0 release branch moments before
>>> 6.4.0rc1, otherwise there is more backporting to do, which is a pain.
>>> or is the idea to release rc1 in the next days?
> Yes, I forgot to mention that idea.

> Well, it's unrealistic to hope that we resolve all bugs/enhancements.
> I suggest to get out 6.4.0rc1 asap for reality check (especially also for the
> Windows port). If backporting becomes to heavy, we could even re-do the
> relbranch in future.
> Markus
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