Moritz Lennert wrote:

> Either make meschach a dependency, as Glynn suggested, thus just linking 
> to it which, AFAIU, does not violate GPL, and which has the added 
> (important) advantage that we do not have to maintain the code. Or 
> convince the meschach developers to relicense.

AFAIK, distributing binaries of GRASS which are linked against
meschach is a violation of the GPL, the same as linking against e.g. 

In some cases, it may be possible to rely upon the "part of the OS"
exemption for distributions which include a meschach package. But not
all distributions include meschach (Gentoo doesn't have an ebuild for

The situation is a bit different for, as that's a
non-essential package, while the gmath library is quite important. Any
use of meschach would have to be implemented in such a way that
existing functionality isn't lost in versions built without.

Glynn Clements <>
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