On Mar 15, 2009, at 7:48 PM, Michael Barton wrote:

On Mar 15, 2009, at 7:25 PM, William Kyngesburye wrote:

Start GRASS with the tcltk GUI as the default (g.gisenv set=GRASS_GUI=tcltk if it doesn't, and start GRASS again). Select a mapset (or drag-n-drop a mapset to start GRASS).

Add a vector to the map.

Down at the bottom of the vector properties pane, click the "Show attribute data" button.


I also tried labelling a point vector (bugsites in spearfish) with one of its attributes, and that works.

OK. I CAN duplicate this weird problem. Only with the autogui startup. It gives a dbmi protocol error

db.select table=archsites database=/Users/Shared/grassdata/ Spearfish60_test/PERMANENT/dbf/ driver=dbf
Bad file descriptor: dup r
dbmi: Protocol error
Unable to start driver <dbf>

This command doesn't via tcltk, though it does work from the terminal.

If you start up tcltk via g.gui tcltk&, it works fine.

Anyone out there -- What happens in startup AFTER the TclTk gui is launched that might make db.select work with the following?

start up GRASS in TclTk GUI mode
db.select does NOT work (error above)
quit Tcltk
g.gui tcltk&
db.select DOES work


Further tests. All of the db.* info modules except db.tables fail (with the same error, above) from TclTk when it is first started from Init.sh. This includes:

All of these work when the tcltk GUI is started from g.gui

Really weird. What is "dup r"???


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