William Kyngesburye wrote:

> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/598
> configure needs to temporarily strip out 64bit arch flags on OSX for  
> the TclTk Aqua tests.  To do this, based on the OpenGL setting  
> selected (TclTk Aqua is dependent on OpenGL setting = aqua), the  
> opengl test must happen before the TclTk tests.
> I don't see anything dependent on TclTk that would be affected if the  
> tcltk tests are moved to after the opengl tests.
> Comments from the configure/make guru?

Will NVIZ cope with a 32-bit Tcl/Tk but 64-bit OpenGL?

When it comes to linking NVIZ, the command will include both the
Tcl/Tk linker flags and the OpenGL linker flags. There's no point in
configure testing whether linking a test program against Tcl/Tk works
without certain linker flags if NVIZ itself is going to be linked with
those flags.

Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com>
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