A quick note. I forgot to mention that there is also command history as before. Press ctrl-up or ctrl-down.

C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton, http://csdc.asu.edu

On Dec 10, 2009, at 5:51 PM, Michael Barton wrote:

First, thanks to all who advised me on making a diff that actually
patches correctly (I hope).

Here is a console with full autocomplete and calltips. For GRASS 6.5

I've put it on auto to show how it can work, but the autocompletion
could move to control key combinations too.

--Type a grass command. When you get to the ".", it brings up an
autocomplete list of relevant commands. Keep typing (or mouse up/down)
until you find the one you want and hit return.

--Press <tab> to see full calltips of command syntax for each command
entered (one command per line please)

--As you type the command arguments, hitting "=" and "," following an
"=[string]" combination will bring up context-sensitive lists of
relevant maps or other data sets (e.g. regions where appropriate).

--You can type ctrl-space to bring up a context sensitive list of maps
for raster, vector, etc. at any place in the command.

--Pressing return on the command line will run it.

This will accept shell commands (redirects and pipes don't work but
could), grass commands without arguments (brings up the GUI dialogs),
and grass commands with the short form arguments (r.info mymap) as
well as full grass commands with argument=value format.

****IMPORTANT WARNING***** Turn OFF the preferences/configuration for
default raster color tables. This is causing a bug to affect any
command entered from this console or the existing command prompt.

< console_example4 .patch><ATT00001.txt><goutput.py><wxgui.py><ATT00002.txt>

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