Bishwarup Banerjee wrote:

> I have tried to iimplement the example in my way. The code is as follows

> import core as grass

This should be:

        import grass.script as grass
        import grass.script.core as grass

> def main():
>     input_map = options['H:/Shared_data/test1.tif']
>     output_map = options['Test_24']

This is bogus. The keys in the "options" dictionary are the names of
the options defined in the g.parser comments (assuming that you have
them; if you don't, grass.parser() won't work).

> But I get the following error, I cant make out where I am going wrong. I
> have set all the Env variables as suggested in the wiki page. Please help me
> to implement it.
> F:\GRASS-6-SVN\etc\python\grass\script>python
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 18, in <module>
>     options, flags = grass.parser()
>   File "F:\GRASS-6-SVN\etc\python\grass\script\", line 359, in parser
>     os.execvp("g.parser.exe", [name] + argv)
>   File "F:\Quantum GIS\python\", line 353, in execvp
>     _execvpe(file, args)
>   File "F:\Quantum GIS\python\", line 389, in _execvpe
>     func(fullname, *argrest)
> OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

I have no idea what's causing this.

I suggest modifying the parser() function to print the arguments which
are being passed to os.execvp():

>   File "F:\GRASS-6-SVN\etc\python\grass\script\", line 359, in parser
>     os.execvp("g.parser.exe", [name] + argv)

Glynn Clements <>
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