Markus wrote:
> this just arrived:
> ... I hope that we don't miss the train again to get 6.4.3
> into the upcoming OSGeoLive release...

don't worry, we won't.  (I'm taking care of the grass packaging
on the live dvd, end-to-end)

fwiw, my to-fix list is now shorter, the main thing remaining
IMO is to get the location wizard working correctly with proj
4.8.0. (the datum transform opts were getting reset to the new
proj4 defaults regardless of what you selected) There are so many
combinations and permutations that every change means many things
to re-test and verify, e.g. I haven't even tested from a file or
.prj,.wkt at all yet, and that it doesn't break for older proj4s.
I'm trying to get it working in devbr6 wingrass first, then
porting from there.
--please everyone help test, bad new location def'ns mean
all the work that happens after is also broken--

todo (in loose order of importance)

#1428: still some missing some dlls (were in earlier pkges)
#1971: fix LFS support

#1952: package 'more.exe' with msys (pager for g.list)

#943: cairo rendering fixes

#1936a: Move "Click here to show search module engine" to "Search module"
        tab, freeing up valuable screen real estate for the output text
        window. (rfc)

#854: building addons on Mac (assume we can handle post-release in pkg'ing)

now in progress in devbr6

#1849: g.proj datum transforms broken for epsg and proj4 terms
/  g.proj needs -t flag (as a hack-around) for datum transforms
/  -- traceback error (fixed?)

#1967: wxPy loc'n wiz: doesn't allow ellipsoid without datum


ps- trac load seems to have gotten worse, often get a can't even connect to the 
server now.
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