On 14/11/13 02:25, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
Dear GRASS GIS users,

together with Nikos Ves, we share the "i.fusion.hpf" idea/proof of
concept. At the moment, we have a custom shell script named
`i.fusion.hpf` (an attempt for a proper GRASS add-on), which implements
the High Pass Filter Additive (HPFA) Fusion Technique for Pan-Sharpening
[*]. Nikos V started already porting to Python. How can we proceed in
sharing it?


Two questions

? Can someone confirm that the part of the existing "i.pansharpen" code
that performs histogram matching (code lines 348 - 431), do so as
"linearly stretching an image to match another image's Mean and StdDev"?

AFAICT, it applies the method described in [1]. I don't know (and don't have the time to think about) what this method does in terms of mean and stddev.

? Would it be desired to get the HPFA algorithm integrated in i.pansharpen?

Yes. I think that if we have a generic module such as i.pansharpen, it would be preferable to have all pansharpening methods in that one module.

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