On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Huidae Cho <gras...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmm... one flag -s (switch default) should be enough, I think.
> I'm not sure what is the current proposal (I think I've seen something
else in some other thread) but "flag -s (switch default)" seems like a very
bad idea as well as switching the format according to isatty(). Both would
be confusing/inconsistent behavior (trying something in command line and
then getting something else in Python).


> On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Huidae Cho <gras...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Looks like we need pretty printing by default in terminal and parsable
>> printing by default in non-terminal with -p to force pretty printing. When
>> defaulting to pretty printing in terminal, we may need to ignore some flags
>> only meant for parsable output. Also, a flag to force parsable printing in
>> terminal would be useful too.
>> On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 8:03 AM, Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Huidae Cho wrote:
>>> > IMO, if we replace g.list with g.mlist, it would be better to remove
>>> the -p
>>> > flag and switch between the pretty output and machine-friendly output
>>> based
>>> > on isatty(STDOUT_FILENO). In most cases, if the user types a command
>>> from
>>> > the terminal without redirecting, they want to *see* output, not
>>> *parse*
>>> > it. This way, the new g.list (current g.mlist) will be backward
>>> compatible
>>> > *unless* any scripts depend on saved output of the old g.list. Also,
>>> we can
>>> > save additional typing.
>>> >
>>> > But I'm not sure if it's a good idea to print two different outputs
>>> based
>>> > on isatty.
>>> I don't think that isatty() should be the sole determining factor. I'd
>>> rather see it used to select a default format but to allow the choice
>>> to be overridden.
>>> E.g. you might want the "pretty" format to still be used if the output
>>> is piped through more, less, pr, etc, but piping will result in stdout
>>> being a pipe rather than a tty.
>>> --
>>> Glynn Clements <gl...@gclements.plus.com>
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