Huidae Cho wrote:

> Hmm... one flag -s (switch default) should be enough, I think.

I think not. We need a way to specify a particular output format. A
"switch" flag is only useful if you already know which format will be
used without that flag, which isn't necessarily straightforward.

A similar issue arose for r.{in,out}.bin.

They used to have a -b (byte-swap) flag (it's actually still there,
for compatibility).

This is fine for interactive use, where the user (hopefully) knows
whether the byte-order of the platform they're using matches that of
the data.

But a script which is intended to be portable would have to first
determine the byte order of the platform then either use or omit the
-b flag depending on the result.

The current versions have an order= option (values: big, little,
native, swap), so that a script can simply use order=big or
order=little, and not have to work out whether that means
byte-swapping or not.

Glynn Clements <>
grass-dev mailing list

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