On Jan 7, 2015, at 4:20 PM, Markus Neteler wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Massimiliano Cannata
> <massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch> wrote:
>> Dear all, I went trough the document and it make perfectly sense to me.
> I agree. I updated its date now and expanded "RC" in the beginning.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/RFC/4_ReleaseProcedure
> Last doubts:
> * Step1: .... "The Project manager (or if exists the Release manager)
> then collects reactions to decide whether there is sufficient support
> for this proposal. "
> --> this "sufficient" is still a bit elastic. If one developer is
> against it, others in favour, it is fine to start? Leave it to
> democratical debates? Just to be sure.

I changed "to decide" to "and decides" so it is more clear that it is at the 
discretion of the Project/Release manager to decide whether there is sufficient 
If Project manager cannot decide by himself (e.g. he/she is not sure), he/she 
can always call for a vote by PSC.
>> Just a minor comment is that we shall probably clearly specify who is
>> responsible for the mentioned actions: call for soft, hard freeze etc.
> That's the release manager. But I added that now (looks more dramatic
> than it is, trac doesn't highlight well this time).:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/RFC/4_ReleaseProcedure?action=diff&version=16&old_version=13
> ... makes sense?

I made small language edits which did not change the meaning of the document 
and I agree with the document.

> Markus
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