Yann Chemin wrote:

> hmm that would be cool !
> running r(v).in.* without GISDBASE or Location or mapset could trigger a
> wizard to set them up...

Markus Metz:

This is the current location wizard.

The original topic was import and on-the-fly reprojection without the need to create a new location. This can be easily done by either a new script that calls r.in.gdal/v.in.ogr + r.proj/v.proj which creates the
new location internally and deletes it when done, or a wizard doing
the same thing. The user does not even notice that a temporary
location was created. Sextante for example works this way.

Margherita Di Leo wrote:

This would be lovely to have! Perhaps using ogr2ogr / gdalwarp before
importing would be even faster.

That would be a Huge time-saver.  Thanks, Nikos
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