If we want to do something from GRASS instead of something historic, I bet 
Markus has a LOT of cool maps floating around that we might be able to use.

C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice:  480-965-6262 (SHESC), 480-965-8130/727-9746 (CSDC)
fax:          480-965-7671(SHESC), 480-727-0709 (CSDC)
www:  http://csdc.asu.edu, http://shesc.asu.edu

On Jan 23, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Yann Chemin 
<yche...@gmail.com<mailto:yche...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On 23 January 2015 at 22:56, Michael Barton 
<michael.bar...@asu.edu<mailto:michael.bar...@asu.edu>> wrote:
An informal poll of the grad students in my lab this morning. All said “Wow”. 
Very professional!

I like the idea of GRASS morphing into a map of some kind. Also like Vaclav’s 
tweaks to make the start up a little easier to navigate—2 list choice controls 
with relevant buttons next to them and simplified text.

+1 for those to be implemented, if Vincent is too busy, I can have a throw at 
morphing a map in it.

C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Head, Graduate Faculty in Complex Adaptive Systems Science
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice:  480-965-6262<tel:480-965-6262> (SHESC), 
480-965-8130<tel:480-965-8130>/727-9746 (CSDC)
fax:          480-965-7671<tel:480-965-7671>(SHESC), 
480-727-0709<tel:480-727-0709> (CSDC)
www:  http://csdc.asu.edu<http://csdc.asu.edu/>, 

On Jan 23, 2015, at 9:48 AM, 

From: Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org<mailto:nete...@osgeo.org>>
Cc: GRASS developers list 
To: Vincent Bain <b...@toraval.fr<mailto:b...@toraval.fr>>
Date: January 23, 2015 at 6:41:27 AM MST
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] New splash screen for GRASS GIS 7?

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Vincent Bain 
<b...@toraval.fr<mailto:b...@toraval.fr>> wrote:
A second proposal for splash screen and welcome banner (adapted to dark
backgrounds) you can pick there :

The carex image is in the public domain

Fonts are free (see previous post for Exljbris Fontin) or OFL (for the
exquisite EB Garamond by Georg Duffner).

Those who wish to trim things on the source file, feel free to ask...
especially for colors tweaking ;-)

Thanks for your efforts!
Do you see a chance to morph the true grass into a map (from left to
right or so)?

IMHO we need to somehow communicate that spatial data are involved.


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