Le vendredi 30 janvier 2015 à 13:41 +0100, Moritz Lennert a écrit :
> On 30/01/15 13:15, Vincent Bain wrote:
> > Trying to satisfy everyone's claims, I propose another splash screen :
> > - capitalized GRASS GIS (boohhh ;-)) ;
> > - centered layout with title underneath logo.
> >
> > It is available on the wiki page, it comes with a welcome banner too.
> >
> > /Beware that we might progressively turn the result into something quite
> > flavourless.../
> Even though GRASS is an acronym and so should normally be capitalized, I 
> don't have an opinion about that.

The point is it differs much from one country to another. I am not
certain but I believe anglo-saxons progressively come to the _french
usage_, i.e. capitalizing only the initial of an acronym when it is
pronounced as a word (the case for GRASS GIS). Extract from

        While acronyms have historically been written in all-caps,
        British usage is moving towards capitalizing only the first
        letter in cases when these are pronounced as words (e.g., Unesco
        and Nato), reserving all-caps for initialisms (e.g., UK and

I fear it is an endless discussion anyway. Objectivity is hard to reach
in that domain of graphic design.

> However, I do prefer splash4 (with modified fonts) over splash7. Did 
> anyone plead for centralization ?
> The idea was just to put logo and title closer together.

No Moritz, I was only trying to put text and graphics close to each
other. But you are right, we can copy version 4 layout.

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