In addition to latest changes in

you can find several banner images.Images are all 618x150 PNG8 files. 

Anna : each is available with/without alpha channel, still in 8-bit depth.


Le jeudi 05 février 2015 à 12:20 +0100, Vincent Bain a écrit :
> Hello Madi,
> [moved the reply back to the correct thread, I posted the previous
> message on the wrong topic]
> > Perhaps in D1 the grass symbol and the writing perhaps should be
> > slightly moved to right, because the symbol appears cut.
> You are right, these vignettes are quick&dirty layouts, just there to
> help people choose between different styles.
> > Is there particular reason why "grass" is in bold and "gis" not? I
> > would like it better to have the same rule for both words, because a
> > different style is already applied to the slogan, I would reduce the
> > diversity.
> Once again a matter of typographic trick; here we don't actually
> multiply fontfaces, we only play with various strokes weights from a
> same family. It is a way to slightly emphasise the name of the software.
> I guess many of you (so do I) really care about the "serious" image of
> this project: maybe I (or you) should propose a radically sober but
> still elegant splash screen, without any flourish, e.g. the A row with
> single fontface, single weight, green and black logo+text.
> Thanks for participating,
> Vincent
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