On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Vincent Bain <b...@toraval.fr> wrote:

> Le jeudi 05 février 2015 à 11:18 -0500, Anna Petrášová a écrit :
> > which seems to be advantageous when changing the width of the start up
> > window
> My knowledge of wxpython is nearly nul. Do you consider a solution based
> on two separate transparent images, packing respectively the logo
> flushleftt and the text flushright in a wxframe ?
I am not sure if I understand, the image will be horizontally centered on
the  welcome screen, but the screen can be resized (either by user, or when
using different language), so the image will have then some space on both
sides. In case of transparent background, the border of the image won't be
so visible.


> (forget it if I'm completely mistaken...)
> V.
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