Vaclav Petras:

It seems you removed the option to add timestamps without registering to temporal database. I would just leave the else there. (You may want to
create timestamps but not register or register later.)

Misjudgement, lead by the comment "...or something in GRASS6.x". Added

Nikos Alexandris:

I didn't test this carefully, seems it doesn't work (for me). ToDo.

It works for daily maps. It doesn't, of course, for example when requesting 'glob_rad=' which returns the sum of all requested daily maps. I know, we have the t.* stuff, which is the way to get monthly maps or else.

However, it would be nice if we can make it more easy to use, for example, monthly "Linke T" maps. Say, for day 1 to day 31 use linke_January, for day 32 to day... use linke_February and so on. -- Comments?

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