On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Paulo van Breugel <p.vanbreu...@gmail.com>

> On 24-02-16 19:47, Vincent Bain wrote:
>> Hello Luca
>> yes we've been working on that for several months now (see below latest
>> developments pointed out by Vaclav). And any advice or contribution is
>> welcome !
>> Regarding the online documentation, I'm not a crack of css, but the
>> effort to wrap up things in a visually coherent manner (e.g. typographic
>> rules, logo display, colors) shouldn't be huge.
>> Enjoy Paris!
>> Vincent.
>> Le mercredi 24 février 2016 à 09:49 -0500, Vaclav Petras a écrit :
>>> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 6:31 AM, Luca Delucchi <lucadel...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>          Regards from Paris, tomorrow will come a graphic designer here
>>>          at the
>>>          code sprint, are you interested in something related to GRASS?
>>> Vincent recently unified the logo, the startup window banner and the
>>> GUI splash screen image. This needs just commit to trunk and 70, I
>>> think.
>>> https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass7Planning#a7.0.4tobebackported
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2016-January/078528.html
>>> One of the things we need renewed are manual pages. Particularly,
>>> index page, alternatively graphical index page (and its graphics!) and
>>> individual module pages. Usability and the actual CSS are necessary
>>> steps but the graphical design is an important part of it.
>>> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/
>>> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/graphical_index.html
>> I hadn't seen the graphical index yet. Great work! I only wonder about
> the purpose of the images and whether the current ones serve that purpose.
> I would say a graphical index serves to provide a quick overview, whereby
> each graphic should convey an idea of what that module / category. That
> works for some (e.g., raster, vector), but less for others (database,
> display). It is a tough one, I know, but perhaps for some one could
> consider some more standard symbols? For example, there is a fairly
> standard symbol for databases, that could be incorporated in the graphic
> for Database.  Coincidentally, I stumbled on this website of TNTmips (a
> software I used in the distant past), and they have a similar 'graphical'
> overview, also showing (i.m.o.) how hard it is to come up with good
> graphics to represent the different categories. I am not really (really
> not) qualified to come with any concrete graphics, but perhaps it would be
> possible to send out a call for graphics / ideas on the general grass email
> list (and on Google+ GRASS page) to get feedback from the creative
> individuals amongst us (if not already done)?

For the individual modules / functions, the graphics used in the GRASS
Tools in QGIS may be an option. I don't think there are graphics for all
functions yet, but for many there are (not saying they are all better than
the ones used now in the graphical index, but some might)

> https://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/g.proj.html
>>> Best,
>>> Vaclav
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