Le mardi 25 octobre 2016 12:02:01, Vincent Bain a écrit :
> Hi Maciek,
> thanks for your suggestion. In fact, the script runs without error or
> warning but it does not change anything :
>         gdalinfo Rasterlite:my_db.sqlite,table=my_raster
>         [...]
>             AUTHORITY["EPSG","54321"]]
>         [...]
>         gdal_edit.py -a_srs EPSG:12345 \
>         Rasterlite:my_db.sqlite,table=my_raster
>         gdalinfo Rasterlite:my_db.sqlite,table=my_raster
>         [...]
>             AUTHORITY["EPSG","54321"]]
>         [...]

Yes, the SetProjection() method needed to change the SRS on an existing 
dataset isn't implemented in the GDAL Rasterlite driver.

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