
I have large amount of vector maps (~ 400) which each has hundreds of thousands of areas and over 150 attribute columns. I'm looking for the most efficient way to export these to a format I can share with non-GRASS GIS users. My favourite would probably be Geopackage, amongst others because the attribute column names are sometimes fairly long, thus making export to a DBF based format not easily feasible.

I've seen several sources of information about possible performance increases, either in the SQLite world (as a Geopackage is based on SQLite) or in the OGR SQLite driver page.

For OGR [1], there is the -gt option to ogr2ogr which allows increasing the number of features per transaction (or even running the entire conversion in one single transaction). There is also mention of the OGR_SQLITE_CACHE and OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS configuration options. However, I don't seem to understand if, and if yes, how I can set any of these when using v.out.ogr. In r73117, MarkusM added config and dataset open options to r.in.gdal and v.in.ogr. Would we need something like this to be able to set the above config options ? How about the transaction option ?

On the SQLite side, there are some pragma statements that allow increasing performance (generally at the cost of less data security, but in some cases this might be acceptable), such as journal_mode [2] or synchronous [3] (which I suppose is what OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS sets as well), or possibly locking_mode (I don't know how this is handled internally in OGR).

Again, my question would be how these could be set when exporting data with v.out.ogr.

Other interesting options (which would also influence performance) might be a flag in v.out.ogr allowing exporting without attribute data (although a simple v.db.connect -d before export would probably be enough) and allowing selecting a subset of columns to export. But that's something else.


[1] https://gdal.org/drv_sqlite.html
[2] https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode
[3] https://sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous
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