On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 at 03:11, Facundo Ferrin <facundo.fer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there!

Hi Facundo,
> My name is Facundo Ferrin. I am a nuclear engineer who is taking a master in 
> Computer Vision in Barcelona, and finally I found my opportunity to 
> contribute to OSGeo by applying two things that I really like: Python and 
> Backend development . I do not know exactly what I should write in this first 
> email, so I'll start by listing the projects I'm interested in.
> I'm working in a company that is developing a platform for precision 
> agriculture called Auravant (https://www.auravant.com/). I work as a backend 
> developer and data analyst and I use daily almost every tool that you post in 
> the ideas: GeoServer, PostGIS, QGis. I'm also porting a tool for polygon 
> simplification called topoJSON (https://github.com/fferrin/topojson).
> ---
> MY MAIN IDEA is to start porting GRASS tools into a python package that can 
> be used in other projects (beyond the client to use by command line). I don't 
> know if it's something you have in mind but for offline and automated 
> analysis it would be very useful. I particularly had problems when I tried to 
> simplify geometries since the geometry of polygons was not taken into account.
> ---

Your idea is not clear to me, there are already two Python library to
work with GRASS. you can find some ideas in the proposal page
https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2019 (for example
Neweasy-to-useCLIandAPIforGRASSGIS) and
https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2018 (Improve GRASS integration
in QGIS 3)

> Hope to hear from you soon!


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