On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 3:09 PM Markus Metz <markus.metz.gisw...@gmail.com>

> I suggest removing the github test for Centos 7 and using Centos 8
> instead, if possible.

I have no problem with that. The tests are at this point whatever is
practical to test. For Ubuntu, we so far followed whatever are the VMs on
GitHub Actions and, I think, we removed 16.04 where there was an issue with
some packages or something (the commit message mentions just 16 being
outdated [1]).

The policy for the tests is, so far, whatever we want to test for, not what
we happen to support in one way or the other. From a contributor
perspective, this translates to whatever compatibility I want to be
checked, I add that to the GitHub Actions.

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