Thanks everyone for the support.

I was able to identify some potential issues. Namely, the auto-generated
metadata on Zenodo does not seem to be that great and that includes basic
things like title and license. How an author list will look is hard to say
without trying, but it is promised to be sensible. It seems that a lot of
projects just solve this using a .zenodo.json configuration file which
includes this info, e.g. a full author list.

Although these metadata issues are certainly visible, a DOI will be
generated and usable by itself in any case. Additionally, metadata can be
edited manually after the publishing/release. Finally, having .zenodo.json
is doable (probably through CITATION.cff which would be good to have
anyway). Thus, I don't see this as a blocker, just as something to resolve
on the way.

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 1:27 PM Stefan Blumentrath <> wrote:

> There is already a GRASS GIS community on Zenodo, managed by Pietro.
> There are way more GRASS related records in zenodo than registered in that
> community. Wound probably be useful to register relevant entries in a GRASS
> community...

There seems to be exactly n-1 GRASS-related records not in the community
(where n is all the GRASS-related records). Are we looking at the same one?

> Would it be an option to develop the community in that direction, Pietro?
> If others too think that's useful ...
> Cheers
> Stefan
> ------------------------------
> *From:* grass-dev <> on behalf of
> Veronica Andreo <>
> *Sent:* Monday, May 24, 2021 1:48:21 PM
> *To:* Moritz Lennert <>
> *Cc:* grass-dev <>; Peter Löwe <
> *Subject:* Re: [GRASS-dev] [release planning] Enable Zenodo before 7.8.6
> and 8.0.0
> +1 from my side too
> El lun., 24 may. 2021 03:23, Moritz Lennert <>
> escribió:
> Clear +1 from me.
> Moritz
> Le 24 mai 2021 03:08:06 GMT+01:00, Vaclav Petras <> a
> écrit :
> Hi all,
> Let's enable the Zenodo link before 7.8.6 and 8.0(.0?) releases to get
> DOIs and Zenodo records.
> Solving the whole DOI linking and Zenodo archiving for the old versions
> may be complex [1], but enabling the link between GitHub and Zenodo is
> trivial (one click) and every newly created GitHub release (we do those)
> will be automatically registered and receive DOI.
> Zenodo uses a system of DOI versions and a main DOI (Concept DOI). Whether
> it is an ideal system, that's a question, but it is currently the expected
> one since it is the same for everything on Zenodo. It is used automatically
> when using the GitHub-Zenodo integration.
> It seems I have the permissions to enable it for GRASS GIS. The one who
> enables that becomes a maintainer of it. I'm fine with that, but I won't be
> uploading any older versions. The maintainer can be changed later by
> contacting Zenodo support [2].
> Although there are things to figure out in terms of next steps, I don't
> see much risk in enabling it. There are no choices available in the setup
> or in terms of alternatives. DOI and some kind of registration are expected
> more and more.
> Thoughts?
> Vaclav
> [1]
> <>
> [2]
> <>
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