On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Margherita Di Leo <direg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org> wrote:
> ...
>>> https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/PSC/Roles
>>> Now I think that all new and confirmed members may contribute to this
>>> question and edit the trac page directly (and report here)
>>>  :-)
>> The first email in this thread dates back to 2014 and no action has been
>> taken,
> Right. Howver, we have a new PSC in place now.
>> from my POV we would need to discuss this thread, as well as other
>> threads that were posed by members of the community, in a more interactive
>> way, perhaps via IRC.
> Sounds good to me.
>> Regarding the roles, I am sure other important roles
>> can be individuated as well (e.g. GSoC coordinator/mentors).
> It is a draft wiki page which could be extended.
> Regarding the GSoC mentors, I think that this works ok. If we really
> need a designated GRASS GIS GSoC coordinator, I don't know.
>> At the same
>> time, I'm not sure that these roles must be necessarily found withing the
>> PSC.
> As I wrote in the trac wiki page
> "Note: a PSC member with a certain role can also delegate another
> community member to share the workload "
>> Besides the activities that clearly fall currently on the shoulders of
>> Markus and few others, I don't understand why we need a coordinator at all,
>> since some activities seem to flow well without a designated coordinator, as
>> Moritz pointed out. But I'm sure that to propose this, Markus, you must have
>> your reasons.
> Yes: I want a more active PSC. Not sporadically but constantly.
>> Could we make a quick check of the situation, individuate the
>> current issues and what are we trying to achieve (or which problems are we
>> trying to solve) with this proposal? Thanks
> Here you go - the current situation (of course my completely biased
> private view):
> * treasurer: done by Martin Landa and Markus Neteler
> * release manager: done by Markus Neteler
> * translation manager: done by Markus Neteler
> * education manager: vacant
> * press and marketing manager: : done by Markus Neteler
> * documentation manager: : mainly done by Markus Neteler, with
> contributions by Vero, Vaclav and others
> * designer: Vincent Bain for flyer, Web site mainly done by Markus
> Neteler lacking the migration to a new CMS
> * trac bug report manager: mainly done by Markus Neteler with major
> support by core developers
> * testing manager: vacant? major efforts done by Sören and Vaclav
> * GUI design manager: vacant? major efforts done by Anna, Vaclav, Martin
> This and that name appears too often :-)

We suggest 'working groups' instead of managers, for some tasks it
fits better and might put the pressure off if people want to join. I
also added additional groups, which would be focused on specific
tasks, such as Python 3.

A + V

> HTH,
> Markus
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