> > I do not know if the SuSE packages are build using the
> spec from the GRASS source code, but you could check the
> rpm/ source code dir and submit any fixes you have.
> >
> > http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/trunk/rpm

Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> I think you may be flattering my expertise if you think
> I'm competent for source code fixes! :-)

I don't think it's quite as hard as you might think- just to look at the text 
file and see what's there. Anyway I encourage all to explore it even if you are 
not comfortable with making too many changes.

The package dependency part of the spec file seems fairly clear. e.g.:
Requires:       gdal >= 1.3
Requires:       tcl >= 8.3
Requires:       tk >= 8.3
Requires:       proj >= 4.4.9

adding another is just opening it up in a text editor and typing the line.

But it is probably better to sync that with Otto's 6.3.0 version before doing 
any more, as the GRASS svn copy is way out of date.
> I should however say, wrt YaST on OpenSuSE, that it's
> very ignorant of Grass and only returns a very ancient version
> (5.0.3-120).

Hmm, maybe someone could work on getting Otto's OpenSuSE packages into that.

(no idea)



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