Hallo Frühaufsteher!

Here is the output of gregion -p3

projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       30
datum:      wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:      4681874.175
south:      4681826.55
west:       624764.175
east:       624839.625
top:        343.00000000
bottom:     337.00000000
nsres:      0.075
nsres3:     0.10005252
ewres:      0.075
ewres3:     0.10006631
tbres:      0.01
rows:       635
rows3:      476
cols:       1006
cols3:      754
depths:     600
cells:      638810
3dcells:    215342400



Markus Neteler schrieb:
Hallo Manuel,

das war  g.region -p aber nicht  g.region -p3



On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Manuel Seeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Markus, hello Hamish, and List!

I imported a transformed shapefile.
g.region -p gives:
projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       30
datum:      wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:      4681874.175
south:      4681826.55
west:       624764.175
east:       624839.625
nsres:      0.075
ewres:      0.075
rows:       635
cols:       1006
cells:      638810

as it is a gully headcut, I have steep slopes (vertical!) and overhangs and
some shadowing...

Thanks again!


Hamish schrieb:
Manuel Seeger wrote:

I trying to generate a 3d DEM of a gully headcut. The point
data was gained by terrestrial laser scanner.

what is the form of the raw data? x,y,z point cloud?

is there only one x,y for each z, or are there overhangs?

I ask because if there is only one z for each x,y then perhaps a 2.5D
surface is more appropriate and the processing is much simpler:

that may obscure fine details of steep slopes though, lumping them all
into one horizontal cell. Maybe the cell resolution would have to be very
If that isn't good enough an idea, if you don't mind it, is to switch the
z coordinate with x or y when you import and then look at the thing side on.

As I am doing my first attempts, I do not change any
parameters from that given by default.

This is the result:
v.vol.rst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wcolumn=dbl_3 tension=40.
 smooth=0.1 segmax=50 npmin=200 dmin=0.050026 wmult=1.0 zmult=1.0
 elev=Olite_3d --overwrite

1511728 records selected from table

some points outside of region -- will ignore...

strip exists with insufficient data

Processing all selected output files will require 1435616
bytes of disk space for temp files

There are points outside specified 2D/3D region--ignored
57754 points (total points: 1511728)

Points are more dense than specified
'DMIN'--ignored 1131669 points (remain 380059)
Percent complete:

Error in COGRR!

Interp_call failed!

Can someone give me an idea if this is my fault?

No idea about that.



Dr. Manuel Seeger
Wiss. Assistent                         Scientific Assistant
Physische Geographie                    Dpt. of Physical Geography
FB VI - Geographie/Geowissenschaften    Geography/Geosciences
Universität Trier                       University of Trier
D - 54286 Trier
Tel.:   +49-651-201 4557
Fax:    +49-651-201 3976
Web:    http://www-neu.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=9607

grass-user mailing list


Dr. Manuel Seeger
Wiss. Assistent                         Scientific Assistant
Physische Geographie                    Dpt. of Physical Geography
FB VI - Geographie/Geowissenschaften    Geography/Geosciences
Universität Trier                       University of Trier
D - 54286 Trier
Tel.:   +49-651-201 4557
Fax:    +49-651-201 3976
Web:    http://www-neu.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=9607

grass-user mailing list

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