Glynn Clements wrote:

> > Okay, I did find verification that this doesn't work in r.resamp.stats:
> > 
> > *[1] The min and max aggregates can't use weights, so -w has no effect for
> > those.*
> Hmm. There's no fundamental reason why I can't add "weighted" versions
> of the min/max aggregates. Obviously, these would ignore the weights,
> but it would allow r.resamp.stats to include the source cell in the
> calculation for each destination cell which overlaps it.

Implemented in r33888 (in 7.0).

The aforementioned comment in the Wiki still stands. min/max aren't
actually weighted, so the behaviour of those aggregates with a
perfectly aligned grid is "unstable" (i.e. the exact result may depend
upon miniscule rounding errors) even when -w is used.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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