I followed the doc from the web resrouce:
And I think what we are doing is similar to theirs,so I thought the
confignation of grass maybe correct for us.
2009/6/11 Nikos Alexandris <nikos.alexand...@felis.uni-freiburg.de>

> maven:
> > And I know the reason of the problem now.
> Which is?
> > However as what you said,I should create a new location and mapset if
> > necessary,it does not work.
> > I create two folders nLocation/nmapset and create a wind file in the
> > nmapset dir, however when I run the grass gui,I also can not seclect
> > the new location to enter.
> Sorry, I never create manually those directories and the WIND file. I
> always use the "recommended" way, that is through GRASS.
> Read _A)_ or/ and _B)_ in:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/helptext.html
> > It throw the error message:the selection location [nlocation ]is not
> > valide. Is the procedure I create the new location is wrong? I
> > followed the maual
> Which manual?
> Nikos
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