> I don't recall the start of your thread:

> Are you saying that you need to be able to handle any data that clients
> throw at you in *any* CRS?
 How will you know the CRS of the client's maps? (Many data formats do not
> require full metadata with CRS information)

 In fact I perfer to create location and mapset for each requested map
according the crs or other parameter, and how to get the parameter is
another topic( for some ogc web servcie wcs wms we can get most paramter
from the requsted url for example:
So what block me is the location and mapset, in a word I am so unfamiliar
with the grass although I have read some documents that I can not
confignation as the pywps did.

> And one other point came to my mind: be aware that the user calling the
> GRASS script must be the owner of the $GISDBASE directory structure. So if
> these are web based apps, then the user running your http server must own
> the GRASS database directory.
What we do is to provide a interface to the user, the process name and some
required parameter for the grass, the real requestor of the grass is
ourselvers , in other words it is the server (we own the GISDBASE)to call
the grass,and the parameter passed to grass come from the user.
May be I can describe it as follows:
the user(web browse) provide the paramter and the original map ------->our
server(get the para and the map) -----> call the grass (pass the praa and
map) ----->grass process----->grass send the result,(may be exported)
----->server get the requested data ---> send the request data to user

> Good luck, and keep us posted,
> --
> Micha
>>    GRASS once the straight-forward way to make the required location,
>>    mapset and files, then use the instructions here:
>>    http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_and_Shell
>>    to run your grass commands from a shell/python script?
>> I read the shell,actually I am using another script in the annex,and I
>> think they have the same thought.
>> 2009/6/11 Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il <mailto:mi...@arava.co.il>>
>>    maven apache wrote:
>>>    Hi:
>>>    I followed the doc from the web resrouce:
>>> https://svn.wald.intevation.org/svn/pywps/tags/pywps-3.1.0/pywps/Grass.py
>>>    And I think what we are doing is similar to theirs,so I thought
>>>    the confignation of grass maybe correct for us.
>>    Is there some special reason you need to create the GRASS
>>    directory structure programatically each time? Can't you just
>>    start GRASS once the straight-forward way to make the required
>>    location, mapset and files, then use the instructions here:
>>    http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_and_Shell
>>    to run your grass commands from a shell/python script?
>>    --    Micha
>>>    2009/6/11 Nikos Alexandris
>>>    <nikos.alexand...@felis.uni-freiburg.de
>>>    <mailto:nikos.alexand...@felis.uni-freiburg.de>>
>>>        maven:
>>>        > And I know the reason of the problem now.
>>>        Which is?
>>>        > However as what you said,I should create a new location and
>>>        mapset if
>>>        > necessary,it does not work.
>>>        > I create two folders nLocation/nmapset and create a wind
>>>        file in the
>>>        > nmapset dir, however when I run the grass gui,I also can
>>>        not seclect
>>>        > the new location to enter.
>>>        Sorry, I never create manually those directories and the WIND
>>>        file. I
>>>        always use the "recommended" way, that is through GRASS.
>>>        Read _A)_ or/ and _B)_ in:
>>>        http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/helptext.html
>>>        > It throw the error message:the selection location
>>>        [nlocation ]is not
>>>        > valide. Is the procedure I create the new location is wrong? I
>>>        > followed the maual
>>>        Which manual?
>>>        Nikos
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