Dominik wrote:
> Since I assume that both GUIs use the v.digit programm,

No, they are completely different. The v.digit version available
in Tcl/Tk GIS.m is C + Tcl/Tk written by Radim & Glynn.
The Vdigit that is used in the wxPython GUI is C++ + wxPython
written by Martin.

You might also try the QGIS vector digitizer to edit the GRASS
data layers. Several posters seem to enjoy that route.

> I also assume that the problem with the old Tcl/Tk GUI, which
> is described in my first post, is related to it, right?

probably not.

[problem was:]
> When I try to do the same within the Tcl/Tk GUI I can create
> vectors within the specified vector map, but since I want to
> digitize a raster file,this raster file isn't loaded as a
> background, even if the log window says so. I even tried to
> type the command by hand,but the result was the same, no
> background map!

steps used?

for me on Linux it works:
[x] New map
new vector map name=  test_map1
Display commands   =  d.rast elevation.dem

whole command looks like:
  v.digit -n map=test_map1 {bgcmd=d.rast elevation.dem}



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