Saami Riet wrote:
> I'm new with working with Grass.
> I try to use the extension i.landsat.acca to reduce the
> influence of clouds
> in a Landsat Tm szene.
> Trying to compile the script  wich i downloaded from
> don't
> work on my computer.
> Mayby i do something wrong. 
> I have enjoy the README in the grass-addons SVN:
> "Installation - Code Compilation"
> But it dos'nt work.
> I work on a 
> UBUNTU Version 9.04
> Grass 6.4.0~rc4-3
> The path to Grass  is:
>  /usr/lib/grass64
> The path to the downloaded i.landsat.acca-files is:
> $home/i.landsat.acca
> I used the terminal-window under Ubuntu for the commands.
> I'm in the path $home/i.landsat.acca .
> The command i used is: 
> make MODULE_TOPDIR=/usr/lib/grass64/
> The answer from my magical machine is:
> Makefile:8: /usr/lib/grass64//include/Make/Module.make: No
> such file or
> directory
> make: *** Keine Regel, um
> »/usr/lib/grass64//include/Make/Module.make« zu
> erstellen.  Schluss.

if grass was installed from a package, was the grass-dev
package installed too?

or did you compile from source code? if so point to the source


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